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Primary School

Together we learn. Together we grow.


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Severn Primary School staff are dedicated to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children in our care.


  • We are fully committed to ensuring that consistent effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support children, families and staff at school.


  • We ensure that all staff receive appropriate training, guidance and support to undertake the effective safeguarding of children.


“We all share a responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, whether as a parent, or family member, a friend or neighbour, an employer or as a paid or volunteer worker. All members of the community can help to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people and should act to do so if they have concerns about a child’s welfare”
Safeguarding Children: Working Together under the Children Act (2004)


Our Safeguarding Team


Mr. Nicholas Wilson

Headteacher and Designated Child Protection Officer 


Mr. Andrew Jones

Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Child Protection Officer


Mrs. Waj Bibi

ALNCo and Deputy Child Protection Officer


Mr. Andy Roberts

Chair of Governors


The school follows the Wales Safeguarding Procedures 2020. Please click on the link below to learn more.


E-safety is a vital part of our work to keep children safe. In school, we have a broad range of measures in place to help safeguard pupils from potential dangers or unsuitable material on the internet. Any incidents or breaches of e-safety are identified, recorded and managed in accordance with our E-Safety Policy. The responsibility for e-safety is not solely delegated to technical staff or those with a responsibility for ICT and/or Computing but rests with of all members of the school community who work with our children.


All our pupils are taught how to stay safe and how to behave appropriately online. The school participates actively in the national, annual Safer Internet Day each February. 

Every pupil is made aware of our Acceptable Use Agreement and parents are required to sign a copy on their behalf when they start at the Severn Primary.

The following are all useful websites which provide additional support and guidance for children, parents and carers.



Severn Primary School

Severn Primary School

Severn Road, Canton, Cardiff, Wales, CF11 9DZ